The TCM market in the US is growing rapidly, which creates plenty of opportunities. Based on observation and research, WeFine identified critical problems that currently exist in the system, and developed a modernized healthcare model to solve them. By establishing the first TCM online platform, WeFine wants to integrate qualified resources; to develop special formulas of TCM dietary supplement products for common chronic diseases with high prevalence in the US; give more people access to better TCM services; and eventually promote the development of TCM in the US.
Far More Than Online Consultation
You can not only get online consultation services from WeFine, but also benefit from joining our platform in lots of other aspects.
Provide health consultation to your patients anywhere and anytime
Reduce operation costs of your local clinics
Manage your patient profile electronically
Advertise you and your clinics more efficiently
For more detailed information, please contact us.

Promoting TCM Academic Development
WeFine provides you and your fellow acupuncturists and TCM practitioners with continuing education and academic communications. As a registered practitioner on our platform, you could join various academic activities such as TCM lectures, workshops, seminars and journal clubs. These activities can not only fulfill your continuing education requirement for your license, but also give you a chance to communicate with top TCM experts from both China and the US, thus improving your professional competence. We hope we can facilitate the development of TCM around the world by offering these academic services to all our registered practitioners.

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